[Granville-Hough] 10 Nov 2009 - 21 Jun 1993 - Rep. Cox

Trustees for Granville W. Hough gwhough-trust at oakapple.net
Thu Feb 3 05:53:49 PST 2011

Rep Cox never requested my assistance. Such a shame.  I think I could 
have made him look so stupid he would never have received the Republican 
appointment to supervise Wall Street functions, an appointment which 
ruined his reputation for life.  Grampa Hough

                                  Lagune Hills, CA 92653
                                  21 June 1993

Hon. C. Christopher Cox
Washington, DC 20515-0547

Dear Representative Cox:

    My hope when you were elected was that you would take action to 
correct some grave deficiencies in our society, some of which are:

    1. Control of our exploding population.  I understand how 
Republicans want open borders and cheap labor, but you have gone too 
far.  I believe world-wide population problems are so severe that we must:

    a. Control our borders of land, sea, and air.

    b. Grant no asylum.  Return or imprison all those who violate our 
entry laws.  (It is preposterous, for example, to grant asylum to 
Chinese just because they oppose population control in their own country.)

    c. Support the United Nations educational efforts world-wide in 
population control.  (I know the Reagan administration cut off all 
funding for that program.  Please restore the funding.)

    d. Develop a Constitutional Amendment making children born in the U. 
S. of alien parents, legal or illegal, citizens of the country of their 
parents, not citizens of the U. S., until their parents are duly 

    2. Control drug addiction at home.  Among all the drugs, tobacco is 
the biggest and most costly killer.

    a. Stop all agricultural subsidies to tobacco growers in the U. S.

    b. Ban all imports of tobacco products, just as we ban other 
addictive drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, and opium derivatives.

    c. Tax the tobacco consumer what the addiction costs all our 
citizens.  I've seen studies which show this cost to be $4.00 per pack.  
I can believe this figure when I discuss the costs of lung transplants, 
lung removals, and chemo-therapy for former smokers.

    As a retired Professor of Management and father of a deceased adult 
son who died from drug addiction, I give talks on these subjects in 
Leisure World, Laguna Hills.  I would be pleased to report the stands 
you are taking on these issues.

                            Yours sincerely,

                            Granville W. Hough
                            Professor Emeritus


My cousin, Elizabeth Pully reminds me that the $15.00 you pay for the 
original book by Uncle Tom Richardson is resent as a donation to two 
cemeteries associated with the Richardsons, Arenders, Traxlers, and 
other kin, namely Piney Grove, and Merchant's Cem.   These are two of 
the oldest and most remote cemeteries in the county, each having been in 
operation over 150 years.  The Piney Grove Cemetery is actually an old 
Indian site for a tribe which preceded the Choctaws and known as the 
Mound Builders.  When my grandfather Richardson's grandfather was buried 
there in 1852, they had no stone markers so they set out a long-lived 
cedar tree at the head of his grave.  This tree lived for 100 years and 
when it fell, its stump was removed and a modern stone monument was put 
in its place for James W. Richardson (1805 TN - 1852 MS).  Widow Martha 
(Price) Richardson took her young family back to the Bogue Chitto River 
where the Price families lived, and they grew up not far from 
Brookhaven, MS.

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