[Gocamino] Madrid Hostal, somewhat Camino Mozarabe related video

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Fri May 27 14:22:30 PDT 2011

For a couple of years now, there has much less activity on the 4 pilgrim sites to which I subscribe, Gocamino, Ultreya, saintjames, and Santiagobis. Perhaps some of this is due to the AP Facebook page - I can't tell, since it is apparently necessary to sign up for Facebook to view it - (which I absolutely refuse to do). But there are a number of other English language Santiago pilgrimaage websites nowadays and I have the feeling that it has all gotten spread out. A number of pilgrims have started out their own pilgrimage forums and I have seen at least one that seems to be thriving.

Bob S.

On May 27, 2011, at 11:47 AM, Ralph Alcorn wrote:

Unrelated observation. When we got home, I noticed there were zero emails
from GoCamino. Thought I had turned it off or filtered it out for the period
we were gone. No. Just no activity on that forum. Now there has been a
little, but I have the impression that a lot of that activity has moved to
the American Pilgrims Facebook
page<https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_57453722347>- but
maybe somewhere else. Maybe they are all out walking. Any thoughts?
Ralph Alcorn

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