[Gocamino] Security in Santiago

Johnnie Walker johnniewalker-santiago at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 12 05:30:06 PDT 2010



Ah well, a lot changes in 6 years. In this Holy Year whenever members of the Royal Family have visited the Cathedral there has been tight security with police marksmen in the upper gallery and so on.  No doubt having the Prime Minister there simply compounds the need for security. It is also understandable that bags including rucksacks have been banned from the Cathedral given the numbers being packed in. Terrorism is alive in the world whether or not the Spanish love the Royal Family.


As for the programme around the 25th. Liturgically it starts with Solemn Vespers on the evening of the 24th. This is a traditional Vespers service of psalms and readings with an exceptionally high standard of choral singing. The first book of the Codex Calixtinus includes the chants for Vespers and a Vigicl Mass on the eve of the Feast of St James. The rendition of the traditional Dum Pater Familias from the Codex is most beautiful.


The Feast day itself starts in the Cathedral with the Mass of the Archicofradia at 9am to which members are invited with new members receiving their medals - the symbol of membership. Many of those attending may choose to stay in the Cathedral for the main mass later in the morning.


The Cathedral is full from early in the day with many seats reserved. At the appointed hour Archbishop's procession begins from the door of the cathedral leading to the Plaza Praterias. As this is happening the King and senior politicians inspect the guard of honour in the main square as well as meet the civic authorities. They form up in procession then as the Archbishops's procession enters the square church and state meet and form one prcession into the Cathedral. The order of precedence is fascinating with the Archcofradia of the Apostol having senior rank. Usually in a procession the priest who is presiding comes last as the most senior. In a cathedral that is the bishop or archbishop. In this procession the King or his representative comes last and assumes the throne. He will then give a traditional greeting to the Archbishop and all of Spain. The Archbishop replies and the feast day mass continues. It is really a splendid affair.


Numbers will be controlled in the cathedral as they will be later in the square for the fireworks display. Whereas in previous years it was rather a free for all nowadays the square is closed when it is at capacity. However there are other vantage points in Santiago such as from the Alameda Park.








> To: GOCAMINO at oakapple.net; saintjames at yahoogroups.com
> Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 13:46:56 -0400
> From: blaroli at aol.com
> Subject: [Gocamino] Security in Santiago
> Hello you all,
> The Santiago newspapers report today that the 400 policemen and 3,200 Guardia Civil members presently patrolling Santiago, and Camino routes, in the environs will be significantly increased on July 24 and 25 when the King and Queen will go to Santiago for the festivities on the Apostle's celebratory day. (There is no real consensus as to how, or why, July 25 came to be celebrated as Santiago's feast day).
> It seems that the concern with security has more to do with the fact that Zapatero, the civilian ruler, and its government people will also be in attendance. Because of the economic vicissitudes presently afflicting Spain Mr. Zapatero appears to be riding a high wave of unpopularity.
> In 2004 I went to the Cathedral for the opening of the Holy Door and was absolutely amazed by the scant security measures despite the fact that the King and the Queen were in attendance. I got into the Cathedral with a very large umbrella, a bag, two cameras and a floppy raincoat that could have concealed a lot of things. Throughout the ceremonies I was standing in front of the Saint Salome statue, on the Platerias side, in full view of the King and the Queen who were seated in the altar enclosure. Separated from the royal couple only by a barrier of kneeling newspaper and TV photographers who, of course, were looking only at the couple, and surrounded by church attendees equally enraptured by them, it seemed to me that it would have been very easy for someone standing where I was to do them harm.
> When I mentioned my amazement at the Royal Couple's exposure, friends in Santiago shrugged away my concern saying: "Who would want to hurt the King or the Queen?". Well, I suppose nobody would.
> But maybe the benevolent attitude of Spaniards towards their monarchs does not presently extend to the civilian government in view of the dire economic conditions of the country that suffers, I understand, the highest unemployment rates of young people in Europe.
> Now, as to what goes on in and around the Cathedral, particularly in Obradoiro and Platerias on the 25th, the crowds are so thick and heavy that it is impossible to move, particularly at the capstone event, "The burning of the Cathedral" 
> at the end of the day and there is simply no possibility for mischief.. Yes, it is spectacular and unlike anything that may be seen elsewhere, but whereas I would always be ready to go to the opening or the closing of the Holy Door, which are accompanied by similar street and pyrotechnic exhibitions, I don't think I would be as tempted to go on July 25th again. 
> If you want to see something of what goes on during the Burning of the Cathedral go to:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xRSyKQOZPw&feature=PlayList&p=6F8C94C865C1D0E3&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=1
> -The pictures were taken by Mari, of the Pilgrims' office, (my own camera burned and, anyway, I was so hemmed in that I couldn't even raise my arms.) The music was added by our dear techno-guru Grant-
> I know of a list subscriber that will be on Santiago on that day, and there may be several others. I would advise you to go to the Cathedral early, stay on the right side of the nave as you enter through the Platerias door. You'll probably won't find a seat, but go to the last column on the right, in front of St Salome, and stand on the base of the column. You'll get a perfect view since you'll be higher up. Once you install yourself there DO NOT MOVE, or someone will snatch the spot from you in a New York second.
> For viewing the "Burning of the Cathedral", go to Obradoiro early, preferably with something to stand on, place the steps, or whatever, smack in front of one of the columns of the government building across the square, and stay there. You'll be protected from being pushed by the column behind you and will get a wonderful view.
> As for the rest, there is music, dancing, food, exhibitions, shows with super-stars, from all over the world, all over the place, all the time, and most people have a super-fantastic time.
> I may not be in shape to do it again, but I am very, very happy that I did go. 
> Hugs!
> Rosina 
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