[Gocamino] Camino situation

Glenn Jilek guha2005 at hotmail.com
Sat May 2 11:18:23 PDT 2009

There was a nice path through the forest from Villafranca Monte de Oca to San Juan de Ortega.  A few KM after the monument to the dead of the Civil War, I encountered a swath about 12 meters wide cut by heavy road building equipment.  All vegetation gone, and since it rained the evening before, it was very, very difficult to traverse.  It went on for kilometers...hard to estimate when you are slogging through it.  What are they doing there?  They really ruined a very peaceful part of the Camino.  If it would have rained for a day or more, I really think that area would be impassible.  That would put any peregrino in a bad spot of having to backtrack maybe 5km to Villafranca.



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