[Gocamino] inactive forum

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 18 05:04:30 PST 2009

In a recent response to a gocamino message about lack of activity, I  
forgot that a simple reply just goes to the sender, not the group. The  
following is the gist of my response:

A few messages have been coming through with no problems, so the  
system must be working. Most likely it is just a matter of no one on  
the list having much to say at this time. This has happened many times  
before. The group  gets dormant for awhile and then a new topic comes  
up which may or may not bring out a flurry of responses and then it  
will die down again.

If anyone would like to see it active again, just ask some pertinent  
question about the old reliables: boots, blisters, and trekking poles.  
That might work, but then, again, it might not.

Bob S.

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