[Gocamino] albergue alternative

eileen.hmr at gmail.com eileen.hmr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 04:45:45 PST 2009

It has been a bit dull, so why don't you folks who've been on the Camino in  
the last months weigh in? And I'm sure there are folks planning to go who  
have question, jump in. Last October my daughter and I started the first of  
October, which was good as far as weather went, but not so good in terms of  
finding places to stay. We explored Pamplona for a couple of days--fabulous  
city--then went on to Roncesvalles. When we got into Zubiri I knew we were  
in trouble. It was festival week, there had just been a marathon--on the  
Camino from Roncesvalles to Zubiri--take that, those of us who coould  
barely stagger the distance. They passed us--hearty locals who actually RAN  
the distance. But as sw result, Zubiri was jammed with folks there for the  
celebrations and there were literally no hotel rooms available. My daughter  
can't sleep in albergues with all the strange folks moving around. But we  
found a new hostel across from the albergue, just opened, that had a room.  
Great, great place--new, spotless, kitchen, washer-dryer (free),shared bath  
with one or two other rooms, all marble. And cheap. Wish I could remember  
the name, but it's easy to find.

We had a couple more bad experiences getting to albergues that were  
supposed to be open but were not It was my daughter's first camino; I  
wanted her to try all the different kinds of accomodations. We found some  
other great places. Unfortunately our camino was cut short when my knee  
gave up the ghost, but it was very good anyway. My advice? If you're going  
in October, check and check again to be sure you have a place to sleep  
duringthis very popular holiday month.But go anyway.

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