[Gocamino] Robert's back pain

Susan Alcorn backpack45 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 27 12:15:59 PDT 2009

Hi Robert,
For one who suffers from back problems from time to time, I understand how uncertain you are feeling. 

There is no doubt in my mind that stress adds to the situation. I've been slated to go on several trips over the years where the back problem came up just before the hike/snowshoeing adventure. My chiropractor has worked miracles more than once enabling me to forge ahead every time.

What I have found is that those back twinges serve as a warning sign that something is out of alignment (or whatever), and they take some time to recover; for me it's usually a 3-10 days process. Basically (in non-med terms because I'm not a doctor) there's an inflammation that's occurred that needs time to heal--so it is important during that recovery process to ease up and use good body mechanics: ((1) not over-reaching to grab something from the top shelf (2) bending your knees when lifting objects rather than bending over from the waist.

When you are driving or flying, get out of your seat and stretch at least once an hour. I have found Motrin to be quite effective at relieving pain and inflammation--also icing (some people like warm compresses) and Tiger Balm can help (although Tiger Balm smells really weird so you might not want to wear it on the airplane). 

Hiking (according to my chiropractor, my doctor, and me) is probably the best thing you can do for your back. It sounds like you have reduced your pack's weight so I don't have to mention the importance of doing so. Good luck to you!
Buen Camino,
Susan Alcorn

Shepherd Canyon Books, Oakland, CA 
www.backpack45.com and backpack45.blogspot.com
Publishers of two award-winning books: Camino Chronicle: Walking to Santiago and We're in the Mountains Not over the Hill: Tales and Tips from Seasoned Women Backpackers.

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