[Gocamino] More on author's donations, and oops again.

Rosina blaroli at aol.com
Wed Jun 4 07:20:48 PDT 2008

An earlier message should have read that, in the USA, by law, some donations must be registered with government agencies according to their amount and the nature of the DONEE.
The law applies only to donations made to political candidates and/or groups involved in political activities. Because political contributions are not tax-deductible and do not form part of tax returns, such registrations are a matter of public record and are also included in the electronic site mentioned here. 
Non-political contributions need not be registered with anyone and are only listed by the donors for tax deduction purposes in their tax returns which are, of course, confidential. ?. Some donors, however, choose personally to publicize their gifts to charitable institutions, ?and?many political candidates, as we have seen, are politically compelled to disclose their tax returns which contain a list of their charitable gifts. (The amounts and types of contributions made by the Clintons, the Obamas and McCain were, indeed, surprising when their tax returns were disclosed a few months ago.)

As to the Camino authors, Wendy, a Gocamino subscriber, has learned of the Paulo Coelho Institute which is a non-profit foundation in Brasil established to give opportunities to underprivileged and needy people in Brasil. The organization is funded by the author.?

It is nice to know that those who have profited financially from the Camino do share the benefits.



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