[Gocamino] Two Sellos per Etapa for a Compostela ..

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 7 20:05:06 PDT 2007

Eran rumores pero se han confirmado oficialmente: La Oficina del
Peregrino sólo está entregando "Compostelas" a los que sellan dos
veces en cada etapa de los últimos cien kilómetros. Y advierten de
que no se admitirá disculpa alguna al respecto.

There were rumors but they have been confirmed officially: The
Pilgrim's Office is only presenting "Compostelas" to those which who
have two sellos per etapa for last the 100 kilometers. They also
advise that no excuses will be considered.

The only question ...

Who decides what the 'official' etapa is? Are these the traditional
waypoints, or are alernative places of refuge acceptable? Inquiring
minds need to know.

Buen Camino,


Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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