[Gocamino] USA Confraternity - OK to mention God?

blaroli at aol.com blaroli at aol.com
Tue Oct 2 18:15:32 PDT 2007

Hi Grant,
I do, most heartily appreciate anyone who, like you,  takes the time and trouble to increase the availability of historical scholarship resources of the Camino. It must have taken a heck of a lot of time and effort for you to find and post the sites
Thank you for doing it for us, pilgrims.
Reading the sources provided by you the one thing that becomes clearer and clearer, over and again, is that the Camino has no soap boxes nor street corners, or any corners at all, in fact,  and, therefore,  those who feel the need to have thheir views be heard are welcome, one and all, soap boxes or no soapboxes, street corners or no corners at all. 
And that some of us in the autumn of our lives choose to use our Camino time listening to other voices and other sounds, and can do so, further testifies to the mysterious and glorious reach of the Camino.  

I make resources available for Pilgrims. 
Some cry foul over watching the weather, some swear all maps are superfluous, some condemn this and some decry that. If you don’t wish to make use of any or all of the resources I make available, please, by all means DO NOT. 
Maps are not for everyone, but some get warm fuzzies by knowing where the next town lies. I’ve made GPS trackpoints available for numerous Caminos as well. Not everyone’s cup of tea. That doesn’t mean we get should nasty towards someone who carries a GPS. Some stay in five star Paradors, others leave no donativo. To each his own. Chill. 
Howard’s point of view is his and his alone. And that’s just fine with me; everyone has their own spin on life. I am not pushing anything down anyone’s throat, Howard. Not thumping any Bibles, not proselytizing, simply making resources available. A broad spectrum of resources. If it’s not for you, then fine, it really makes no difference to me. No emotional investment to whether you make use of all or make no use of none. Your personal attracts, however, make your position on tolerance unmistakable. I’m quite accepting of everyone’s position, and Howard is more than welcome to continue down his current path. 
Buen Camino, 
Grant Spangler 
GASpangler at hotmail.com 

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