[Gocamino] turigrinos, packs ahead, etc

Elcaminomejala at aol.com Elcaminomejala at aol.com
Wed May 23 23:51:23 PDT 2007

Frankly, the way I look at it, who cares? Why take away precious  energies 
needed to do one's camino, worrying over something that in one  way or another 
has been ocurring for hundreds of years? The history of the  Camino is marked 
by people that have done it as comfortably as they wished  and their 
socio-economic status allowed. Pilgrims of means had their  underlings carry their 
things way back when, many still do, if they so  wish, via other venues. Any rules 
about all that? Negativo. So, what I  suggest is, put aside thoughts that 
distract one from the Camino re: the  inevitable and get on with it. Best, xm 
In a message dated 5/24/2007 12:50:23 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
ayoung2001 at yahoo.com writes:

--- Janet Burgos <sigburgos at gmail.com> wrote:

And,  there is no
> rule that says you can not
> send your pack on  ahead, 

I couldn't agree more with this. There's a lot  of
argument right now equating pilgrims who send their
packs on to  the large groups of non-pilgrims who walk
with a vehicle, then crowd  the albergues. I don't
consider them the same at all.

These  groups of "turigrinos" with buses and vans are
almost always kids on  cheap holiday. Pilgrims who
merely send their packs on to save on  weight could be
anyone who feels they'd do better without it.  The
backpack does not a pilgrim make. Many of these
pilgrims are  older, have back problems or other
problems that not having all that  weight would help

So do the pilgrimage with a full  heart, take your
time, go as slow as you wish or have time for,  savor
all in front of you, and reach your destination with
love  and joy.

Buen Camino,

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