[Gocamino] comments and more questions!

catherine stuart catestuart at comcast.net
Sun Feb 11 20:44:28 PST 2007

hello lori...i'm thinking that you want to keep your feet as nice and  
light as possible...the terrain is not so arduous...it is the  
distance and the duration that can be trying...heavy shoes will only  
add to the strain...i don't know much about the hiking boots, as i  
wore walking shoes, but they served me well...light and flexible with  
a sturdy and durable sole...patagonia made them...leather uppers with  
some light but hard synthetic on the bottom...if you are digging the  
keen, i would go for it...and you might want to consider some good,  
good socks...there are some made to allow your feet to breathe and  
they take away moisture...at about twenty dollars a pair, but they  
are well worth it...and, as i mentioned earlier, moleskin...i went in  
the fall and winter, so i have absolutely no advice on what to  
wear...and i went to st. jean from paris, so i'm also no help with  
your flight destinations, but i will tell you that the continental in  
st, jean was a lovely place to stay and get my ducks in a  row before  
i began my journey...also, they have market on monday when all of the  
vendors bring their wares...snacks and such for your alpha...good  
local cheeses and fruits and whatnot...best of luck in your  
preparation...regards, catherine
On Feb 11, 2007, at 9:06 PM, Lori Volding wrote:

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