[Gocamino] comments and more questions!

Lori Volding lvolding at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 11 18:06:58 PST 2007

Thank you to those who have provided sound advice to my first outreach for 
guidance as I plan for my Camino journey. Everyone's input has been rather 
enlightening and helpful for various reasons. Moleskin, walking stick, 
language, consideration, intuition, pace, gear to name a few.

Machi's comment relating to Americans and politics seems judgemental and 
fear based for the most part; the positive angle from this is that this 
created discussion and concensus that such encounters may exist and such 
opinions and a need to place people into boxes with labels exists 
everywhere. I agree with Richard and Howard; it is one's approach, karma, 
attitude, character that will promote or encourage negative or positive 
experiences. I am a positive and passionate person who is not too concerned 
about such negativity. It is a matter of what you do with such energy; and 
yes, at times this could be challenging!

More questions!

Taking care of one's feet seems to be the number one precaution. I have 
tried on several styles at REI and have narrowed it down to three boots. I 
plan to buy a mid boot or full. Should I be too concerned with a mid boot? 
material for terrain and weather...ie mesh, leather, or combined? One sales 
person mentioned that I may want a heavier boot if I am carrying a pack...I 
do not plan to carry more than 10lbs in my pack due to my frame. Do I need a 
heavy boot for the terrain, conditions? I have heard that people even wear a 
walking/sneaker shoe. Keen's new hiking shoe is awesome for comfort and 
sturdiness, however, it does not come in a mid boot or boot.

Clothing. I plan to go in June/July. Did most of you wear convertible pants, 
shorts that wick and dry well? I have Reynauds, so cold hands and feet could 
be a concern as well. How severe did the layers change throughout the day 
due to exertion and climate change? Jacket, long sleeve to short sleeve? I 
know this question seems obvious and it may not pertain to everyone since 
months travelled will vary.

London seems to be the most inexpensive city for me to fly into from the 
states at this point. I then plan to fly into Bordeaux or Biarritz and begin 
at the traditional gateway of St. Jean de Pied de Port. I expect to stay in 
one of the 3 cities. Any suggestions as to where there may be an interesting 
hotel or bed and breakfast to stay...one last night of sound sleep for 
awhile:). I plan to send my extra luggage to Santiago. I hope to do more 
travels in Spain or France once I have walked as far as can go. Is this a 
secure and easy process - sending the luggage?

I appreciate everyone's advice! Thanks in advance for my second round of 


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