[Gocamino] May 13, Chicago, Morning

Eileen Hamer ehamer at earthlink.net
Sat May 13 05:52:02 PDT 2006

May 13, cool, windy and raining.
4 1/2 months until I step off the bus in Roncesvalles.

Overnight flight to Madrid,  train to Pamplona, two nights at Maisonnave to recover from jet lag and shop at the market, bus to Roncesvalles.  Pilgrim's Mass, overnight at Roncesvalles, easy day to Burguete.  

Then it comes.  10 hilly miles to Zubiri.

6 am here in Chicago, can I possibly do this?  I'm a grandmother.  Grandmothers do a little gardening, bake cookies, spoil grandchildren, grow soft and cuddly, watch TV, read, fall asleep before 10 pm.  They don't go off alone walking in a foreign country with a small pack and no reservations.  I'm really good at the soft and cuddly and falling asleep part. God help me.

Of course that was before the Camino snatched me up and started ordering me around.  All that bull about one door closing and another opening?  It's more like being grabbed by the scruff of the neck and shoved through the door.  Whinging and grumbling all the way. I hate exercise.  I hate pain.  I love to eat.  Why me?

I have come to managing 5 or so miles through Humboldt Park, even if it takes me over 2 hours.  But between that and the 10 miles from Burguete to Zubiri. . . .  

Oh hell. Put on the damned boots and get out there. Only 4 1/2 months.  You'll be glad you did.

Eileen Hamer
ehamer at earthlink.net
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

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