[Gocamino] Compostela publication

Blaroli@aol.com Blaroli at aol.com
Sun Apr 23 10:32:29 PDT 2006

Hello you all,
I was reading a book on pilgrimages that mentions Seville in Holy Week as the 
"Mecca of  pilgrims who seek wonders".  Having just returned from my 22nd. 
visit to such lovely city at such time, I couldn't agree more.  (It gets more 
and more wondrous each year ). While there, in the midst of the joy-and-tears 
exuberance of the spirit, I thought of some of the friends on this list serv who 
have become very special and dear to me over the years, such as Kat and Dave 
and others, and with them in mind, over and over, I kept thinking how  very, 
very much  I wish them Seville in Holy Week, as, indeed,  I do you all.

The Miami Tavern, where the Pilgrim Credentials for the Via de la Plata may 
be obtained, had between ten and fifteen Santiago pilgrims who were starting 
out each of the two times I went there.  Not surprisingly, most of them had 
altered their starting-out date so that they could remain in Seville throughout 
the week, and, not surprisingly either, the pilgrim albergues in Seville 
accommodated them. 

Coming home I found the latest edition of the Compostela, which is the 
quarterly Santiago Archconfraternity's publication.  It is chockfull of information 
and I will post some of it in subsequent messages.  It seems that messages 
over a certain length (which I haven't been able to establish) do not go over the 
GOCAMINO list and they get suspended, or returned, or something.  Because you 
may be interested in the information I will post it severally in short 

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