[Gocamino] Reserve hotel for first night?

Andrea Atsuko Dunham andrea at allonelove.com
Thu May 26 10:55:48 PDT 2005

Hi everyone,

Thank you for all your invaluable help over the past year. I am finally 
only a couple of weeks away from my first camino! I will be getting 
into Leon somewhere between 3-5pm from Madrid. Is it wise for me to 
book a hotel in now or should I first try to see if I can get into an 
albuergue when I arrive?

Also, I know I will want to stay in a hotel in Santiago at the end of 
my trip. I don't know exactly when I will get in. How important is it 
to have that lined up in advance as well? I will be getting into 
Santiago in early july. Do the hotels book up?

One more thing: I would like to visit Fisterre, but don't know much 
about it. I know I can get there by bus, but is it more of a day trip 
out of Santiago or an overnight trip?

Thank you all so much!!


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