[Gocamino] Re: [saintjames] Re: Little guide books

Blaroli at aol.com Blaroli at aol.com
Fri Jan 7 12:14:31 PST 2005

The little guide books can be used by anyone whether or not th user understands Spanish, because they only contain the names of the towns, by stages, the distances, the heights and so on. They contain color-coded symbols that indicate whether a  town has a private, or public, albergue, or both, and whether food and services are available.
They are laminated, sturdy and tiny, and can be used even in the rain, or consulted while walking without the necessity of stopping.
As mentioned, they cost 5 Euros; but I would think that having them sent would cost four times as much.  If anyone wishes I can pick them up and send them from New York.
Please let me know.
Also, the DVD documentary mentioned earlier was produced by the French. It is visually lovely, elegant, and stylish, (why, of course)  and it deals only with pilgrims, pilgrims, pilgrims... except for a few glimpses of some major churches.  It shows some French pilgrims with home-made pushable carts  on bicycle wheels which appear to work well enough..
The documentary, hugely enjoyable by anyone who had even walked a small portion of the Camino is, however, only available in French and Spanish.(I liked it so that I watched it twice last night). The other DVDs can be heard, as the CDRoms, in several languages including English.
Warm regards,

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