[Gocamino] New Year's Eve in Santiago

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 7 17:30:28 PST 2005


Thank you, as always, for your detailed descriptions of 'El Spectaculo en 
Compostela'. God, I love that place. Your tapestry of words and lucid 
imagery made me tingle with the joy of being there. Having been present for 
the Saint's bash in July 2001, I remember so very well the exuberance and 
joy of the celebration. Alcohol is present, but not the chief motivator. It 
is a celebration of life. There is such an amazing balance between the 
eternal and the temporal, between the sacred and the profane, in Compostela. 
It is unlike any other place I have ever been. Such a liberating place. The 
yellow stone of the city seems to emanate the centuries of trials and 
triumphs it has seen. Yet it is a world in harmony. An inner world of peace. 
An outer world of belonging. A world celebrating life. A world we would love 
to live in. Yet we are all but pilgrims, transitory residents of the Sacred 
City. I count myself fortunate to have experienced both the Road, and the 
Destination. God bless you in all your endeavours in Compostela.


Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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