[Gocamino] language barriers

Frank Harrison harrison at uga.edu
Mon Aug 15 11:41:04 PDT 2005

Dear Friends of the Camino --

I am a seventy year old professor at the University of Georgia.  My 
Spain is minimal (oh that I could remember all that I once knew). 
However, it has always been my experience in Spain that, first, for the 
most part the people are very friendly and more than willing to help a 
"lost soul."  Of course, there are exceptions, but I have found few of 
them.  Second, most of the younger (high school and college age) people 
speak English well enough and WANT to practice their English with a 
native speaker.  Third, carry a local map with you, know where you want 
to go, and then just point.  I have had people walk blocks with me to 
make certain that I ended up where I was suppose to.  Along the way I 
also received all sorts of information on inexpensive places to eat, 
etc.  Fourth, smiles, friendly gestures, and the good old college try at 
speaking a LITTLE Spanish goes a very long way in the right direction. 
(This is absolutely the opposite of my original experiences in Paris 
some years ago when I tried my college French there. What a disaster. It 
took me a very long while before I returned to Paris.  My French was no 
better, but the Parisians seemed more "relaxed" with Americans.) Fifth, 
when I was in Spain last October (Seville) I discovered that a great 
many Spaniards do not care at all about our present federal 
administration's actions either in Iraq or the world in general. 
HOWEVER, this was in no way directed against me, an individual. The 
Spaniards with whom I talked drew a great distinction between individual 
Americans, who they may or may not like as any of us may or may not like 
some individual for individual reasons, and our federal government. So, 
do not worry all that much about the "political barrier" or the 
"language barrier."  Just relax, be friendly, and enjoy the wonderful 
spanish people.

Now, for those of yo who have traveled more in the Castilla y Leon 
region I have some questions.  I plan to travel to that part of Spain 
with my daughter-in-law and son for a long week the last part of 
October.  In part this is to begin to acquaint them with Spain and a 
section of where (hope be to God) I shall be walking next June on my way 
to Compostela.  Does anyone of you know a reasonably price hotel in 
Leon, Burgos, and/or Salamanca with e-mail addresses and, perhaps, a 
contact name?  (I have Madrid "nailed down.")  We plan to fly into 
Madrid and then use the trains between cities.  Has any one done this. 
How was it all?

Thank you VERY much for any information you might be able to give me.

And -- again do NOT worry about a language or political "problem."  For 
there just are hardly any at all -- if any at all.

most cordially --

Frank H

Frank R. Harrison, III
Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia   30602

Telephone: (706) 542-2823
FAX: (706) 542-2839

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