[Gocamino] In Santiago

Blaroli at aol.com Blaroli at aol.com
Thu Dec 30 08:11:58 PST 2004

Hello you all,
The morning the "Translatio" ceremony took place, commemorating the act that took place in 1109 of transferring the rests of St. James from Iris Flavia (now Padron) to Santiago.
A year ago, in preparation for the 2004 Holy Year the King and Queen of Spain presided over the act. The following day, on the 31st. of December, the President of the Galician Xunta, Manuel Fraga, did the honors at the opening of the Holy Door (really called ¨Puerta del Perdon¨", or Forgiveness Door signifyng the fact that those who crossed it would have done an act of repentance of their sins and would, thereby, be forgiven.  One should emphasize what one learns in Sunday school as a child: it is the act itself of confession and repentance by the sinner which bestows absolution, and no one else).
The ceremony commenced early in the morning in Obradoiro with a parade of cavalry military officers, accompanied by a drums and bag pipes military band on horseback! 
At about 11:00 a.m. a military honor contingent and military band, with bagpipes, formed an honor guard in Obradoiro; about 11:30 the president of the Galician Xunta, the nonogenarian, recently re-elected (yup!) Manuel Fraga reviewed the military contingent, and preceded by pennant bearers, dressed in the style of Henry the VIII, and escorted by dashing military officers dressed in deslumbrant green, gold and white uniforms, went up the stairs and into the Cathedral. 
When he was reviewing the military contingent it was evident that Mr. Fraga had difficulties walking; I wondered how he would manage going up the Cathedral stairs, but he did so, needed, unaided. 
The stairs were bordered by the members of a civilian orchestra who played the haunting tune that accompanies the Botafumeiro when it soars while Mr. Fraga and the many dignitaries and VIPs went up the stairs.
I am not sure how the olitical system in Spain is formed. Galicia is a "Province", which is sort of a region (like New England, let´s say)with several political units with their own governor in it. Among those units in Galicia are Lugo, Pontevedra and Corunha, which is where Santiago is. These units have a regional "Counsel", the Xunta, and Mr. Fraga has been its popularly elected president for about twenty years.  To tell by his reception, he enjoys a great deal of good will among Galicians.
Since 10:30 a.m. the Cathedral doors had been closed except for the Obradeiro ones, for the officials, and the one in Azabacherias. Those of us who ran into the church found it absolutely crowded and had to stand on the steps.
At this ¨Translatio¨Mass there is the "National Offering" contributed by the Royals and Spaniards from the whole country to aid on the maintenance of the Camino and the good works derived therefrom.  After Mr. Fraga made his 30 minute address, he was followed by the Archbishop who informed that the "National Offering" consisted of 2 Million Euros which were being turned over forthwith, in full, to aid the victims of the recent tragic seaquake.  The archbishop also informed that many Medical and Nursing students from the USC (University of Santiago de Compostela) were already on their way to the affected areas to help out, as well as several planes and ships loaded with food and water.
I thought you´d like to know...
Towards the end of the Mass, when the Botafumeiro came out I thought that my heart was going to throb right out of my chest.  Honestly, I do not know whether it was the overwhelming emotion or the fear of being trampled by the crowd.
....The weather is lovely.... Naturally!
Big Hug!

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