Traveling in silence

Paul Newfield pcn01aWEBDSI.COM
Thu Sep 4 21:46:28 PDT 2003

For me, part of the joy of the camino was the incredible brotherhood that develops among the pilgrims.  And it doesn't happen without communications between individuals...  sharing chocolate and bread and fresh strawberrys..., agonizing over sore feet and blisters..., or going out for a cider with a new friend from a distant land; Etc.  All of this involves communications.

And YES, I did have Silence on the camino; there were days when I walked alone.  It was that special kind of solitary silence when you can hear your prayers soaring up to heaven just as clearly as you can hear the wheat growing in the fields.   And you will experience a Silence where you can sing out in a loud and glorious voice without fear of anyone hearing you.  But, you will be alone.

I am anxious to hear about your experiment of Silence, but I hope that it does not become as a burdensome vow that will detract from the overall pilgrimage experience. 

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Todd OKeefe 
  Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 5:51 PM
  Subject: Re: Traveling in silence

  Linda, Next year when I endeavour upon the Camino, silence will be the policy, except for the essentials....Communication  is in such abundance, in so many different forms, A time for quiet reflection and contemplation seems highly inviting and beneficial!  Take the road of the "MIME".  All the Best.  Todd

  Linda McInnis <mrfsealahaHOTMAIL.COM> wrote: 
    Greetings all!

    The more I consider my camino, the more I am drawn to walking in silence.
    Could I be silent for a month or more? What about communication for basic
    necessities? The options are intriguing. Is there anyone here who has
    walked this way, or who may have encountered someone who was walking so? If
    so, please reply here or off list. Thanks very much!

    Pueblo, CO

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