Another Camino weather site

Richard Ferguson peregrinoaATT.NET
Sat Nov 8 12:41:33 PST 2003   is the official Spanish government weather site.

Click of "Mapa del Sitio", and then you should find historical data.  Look for "Valores
Normales".  You may have to click around for a bit.

As far as a trip during the winter, including February, the biggest advice that I can give is to
have good clothing.  I would probably have waterproof raingear for rainy days, and Goretex for
other days.  I would bring no cotton at all, selecting synthetics or wool, according to your
taste.  Cotton is a disaster when wet, hypothermia likely. You can buy fancy high tech
synthetic clothing, or just go to the used clothing store for old dress clothes, such as wool
dress pants, which would work very well.  You should carry gaitors for the snow likely on the
passes, and favor heavier boots over light hiking shoes.  It is hard, and potentially dangerous,
to travel really light in the winter.  I remember talking to a bicyclist in early April who had snow
on a pass a few days east of Santiago, the same pass I hiked in pleasant weather a few days
earlier, so I imagine the Pyrenees could be worse, especially in February.  A heated place to
stay becomes more important, if only to dry your clothes.


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