Sv: [jacobeo2004]Poem, Camino

fkjaer fkjaeraPOST7.TELE.DK
Sun Mar 23 01:29:58 PST 2003


The 7th of February this year Xosé Manuel Alvariño send the below poem
by J.Mª.Maldonado to Gocamino.

Having very little command of the Spanish language I couldn't make out
much of its contents. Recently I asked a friend, who is fluent in Spanish,
if he would translate it into our mothertongue, Danish.
Yeaterday he handed me the translation. Not being a pilgrim to Santiago
himself the poem didn't make much sense to him.

As I guess there are others on the list who speak as little Spanish as myself
and who might enjoy the poem as much as I did, I have tried to tranlate my
friends Danish interpretation to English.

Any improvements to my translation are more than welcome.

¡ Ultreya !


El final de ese Camino

con una sorpresa acaba:
no hallas lo que tu creías
sino lo que tu buscabas.

Que todos los que comprendan
lo graben en su memoria
y entenderán las sonrisas
del Pórtico de la Gloria.

Que ellos nos guíen
hasta saber un día
por qué sonríen.
(de J.Mª.Maldonado)

The end of this pilgrimage

ends with a surprise:
you do not find what you expected,
but what you were looking for.

May everyone who understands it
keep it in their their memory
and understand the smiles
of the Pórtico de la Gloria.

May they lead us
until we one day understand
why they smile.

(de J.Mª.Maldonado)

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