
Sally Haden hadense1948aHOTMAIL.COM
Sat Jun 7 11:56:08 PDT 2003

I have been reading the "horror" forcasts re the statistics...!  Well, it
isn't really a horror, except for the possibility of the crushes in and
around the cathedral in Santiago.  But I saw this from Rosina:

Those of us who made the pilgrimage last year, or within the last few
years, could not have helped noticing the impressive economic resurgence in
Spain and other European countries. That, and the recent emotional and
upheavals surrounding the war in Irak and the increased activities of the
ETAS, etc. could very well throw the pilgrim estimates for next year off the

That is interesting Rosina.  As a sociologist/anthropologist I am
interested.  But I wonder WHICH WAY you mean, Rosina?  ie. 'off the charts'
up or down?  I suppose you meant up, but I would have thought that these
factors would reduce pilgrimage... people wanting to stay at home, or else
being better off economically (in Spain) and so having a job and less time
to make a pilgrimage. Also increased ETA activity surely wouldn't encourage

So I can't see estimates being thrown "off the charts" a great deal, unless
I misunderstand you use of the phrase?

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