Solo Camino 2004 - reply

Richard Ferguson peregrinoaATT.NET
Tue Jul 1 09:30:56 PDT 2003

I have a few comments in answer to Tania's questions.

I did the Camino solo in March and April 2002.  There are plenty of refugios open
that time of year, although some will be closed.  However, you cannot assume that
any particular refugio will be open; if you are concerned, ask at the previous
refugio.  Be flexible and be willing to stay in a hotel or hostel if that is
convenient, or you just want some private time.  I would not bring a tent.

The expected masses would be a concern for me.  I am estimating, based on the
latest numbers that I have seen, around 4000 people per day receiving
compostellas in August 2004.  I would figure around 500 people per day in April
2004.  These are just an educated guess, based on the historical data, but they
are probably not more than 50% off.  I don't like crowds myself, so would avoid
2004.  For supporting data and analysis, you can look at my website.

I found that making the pilgrimage alone was good for me, although difficult.
Like you, I travel quite a bit, but rarely solo.  When I think about the
important things that I learned on pilgrimage, I probably would not have learned
them if I was traveling with anyone else.

Vaya con Dios,

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