New member intro Brooke Broadbent

Brooke Broadbent bbroadbentaSYMPATICO.CA
Fri Feb 28 07:13:46 PST 2003


I just joined the list.  I'm delighted to have found it.

I live in Ottawa Canada and I plan to walk part of the 'road' in September 2003. I'm sure that my questions are the ones that many new members have. I looked for an FAQ to answers the questions that I have. Is there one?  I found the archives by month. Is there a month or a posting that answers the following questions?

1. Is there someone on the list from my part of the world (Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto) who I can talk to about travel connections, etc? We could do this offline
2. My partner, Teresa and I would like to qualify for 'certificates'. What do we need to do to acquire certificates? How long do we need to set aside? How long do we need to set aside to walk enough of the trail to qualify for a certificate?
3. When I first became interested in this a couple of years ago I found several Web sites. What are considered the best sites?
4. Any tours that you would recommend?
5. any sense in doing the trail in late August, as opposed to September?

Who am I professionally? You can check out my Web site at if you wish. I'm an e-learning author and consultant.

Brooke Broadbent
613 996-5895
613 722-5648

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