Vulgarities-Rossina # 2

Xosé Manuel Alvariño AlvaxmaAOL.COM
Sun Feb 23 10:42:07 PST 2003

(I gotta tell you, Rossina, many fellow Latinamericans think that Spaniards 
are the most "mal hablado" folks in the Hispanic world ( I concur). And my 
fellow galegos are, in my opinion, an excellent example (with which I don't 
have any problems). After all these years in living mostly in the US,  I am 
many times taken aback when I travel the peninsula &LA, and hear  "bad" words 
so naturally spoken by academics and what is considered high class, including 
other sectors (would u believe priests/monks?). 

Anecdote: I once attended a reception in Madrid in which Cayetana, la duquesa 
de Alba, very naturally threw coños here and there as one may with 
serpentinas at a carnival.

Recognized writers (Hemingway, Zoe Valdez, Baudelaire, Zorrilla, Cervantes, 
Shakespeare, Wolf...) have used at one time or another terms which may be 
considered unacceptable, like a "damm, " here &there.  Yet, they are 
considered classical writers, some of which I believe are read without taking 
words that may be considered "bad," out of  context (Imagine censoring the 
above because of  objectionable linguistic terminology we may personally 
have), invalidating their greatness.

Many people think that San Juan de la Cruz' poetry is highly erotic (I agree) 
&indecent (a Trappist monk I had a conversation with, recently, actually used 
those terms, within the context of the man's life). One of the ways my friend 
Tere was enamoured by her late husband was through his verses-well, some 
times taken out of context. Figure that one out!

We have spoken in this forum about Rosalia (boy, would my gallegazos feel 
insulted in her being refered to as a Zsa Zsa Gabor!), Lorca, Lope de Vega, 
Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz, Hernandez, Machado....All acceptable, recognized, 
classical writers, which we admire perhaps because their work lies e within 
our safety box. Stepping out into today's world and facing reality, such as 
the one where "bad" words are heard, is essential-gotta keep up with what's 
changing &happening...Life has many facets and the world is more than the 
secure heaven in which many of us grew up.

Come on Rossina, lighten up! We're setting out to walk more than 500 some 
miles. I expect that we will be speaking/listening  different languages in 
the Camino, with "bad" words included. Let's get ready, don't stop at GO!, 
and collect/experience as many beautiful conversations as we may have, with 
the great folks we're certainly going to meet, without objections, 
unconditionally, acceptance, understanding, non-judgemental and, that which 
summarizes it all, love.

Finally, I really do not want to start an e-mail polemic regarding this 
issue, which will detract us from our main interest, the Camino. So, for 
myself, I lay the matter at rest.

Abrazos d Xosé Manuel

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