From Leon: altitude corection

Jeffrey Crawley jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Thu Feb 13 02:18:24 PST 2003


As always I bow to superior knowledge :o)

I must admit I was always amused by the number of your neighbours from
Belgium that had watches with built in altimeters. I met one "just 5.5
metres" before the summit in the Pyranees and, speaking to another much
further west was told he and his friends were members of the Belgian Alpine
Club - yes, he said, we have climbed everything in Belgium over 10 metres

Do you think our non-European friends will understand?

"Never measure the height of a mountain, until you have reached the top.
Then you will see how low it was". Dag Hammarskjold

regards to all alpinists


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