a small camino-related miracle

Kathy Gower kathygoweraHOTMAIL.COM
Thu Dec 25 09:27:57 PST 2003

In the spirit of the Camino and in the spirit of the Season, I'd like to
relate this small miracle:

Years ago on my first Camino with my sisters during the 1999 Holy Year, I
carried the intentions for a for-public-benefit project for formerly
homeless families.  In rough, it was for a house that would provide respite
and daycare, links to social and medical services and was to be run by a
family, in community.  A couple of years ago that dream came true in a large
three story house with room for all of the intentions, a lovely backyard and
garden and even four interns who were dedicated to learning how to deal with
that segment of the population, with dignity.

A week or so ago, we received a phone call from an unknown foundation that
announced they had been following Sophia Project and would like to pay off
the mortgage.  Well, that mortgage is now paid in full, just in time for the
season and we're back in the planning mode....all from a little sheaf of
papers that made it's way as intention,on the Camino, to Santiago.

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