Was: To Tagelle via GoCamino since you blocked my mail. Now: the ranting of a sad, sad old man.

Lydia Banales lydiaaBANALES.NET
Thu Dec 25 08:47:06 PST 2003

This kind of dialogue, destructive and nasty, does not belong here. If I
choose to support my President that is my right and it should not be
criticized or even discussed here. And especially not today. Do what you
can to promote peace and justice, but discuss it on a political site.
The enthusiasm is so much better than apathy but it still doesn't belong
here. Peace to all, Lydia

Ana Young wrote:

>--- Jeffrey Crawley <jt.crawleyaUKONLINE.CO.UK> wrote:
>>Whatever our nationality we get judged our profile
>>on the world stage,
>>mainly through the way our politicians behave and,
>>sadly we ge the
>>politicians we deserve, you got Bush, we got Blair
>>and poor old Spain
>>(who've seen enough politics over the last 70 years
>>to last a lifetime) got
>Hi Jeffrey, Tagelle and group,
>Couldn't agree more with you, friends. But I do have
>to disagree on one teeny tiny point: I don't consider
>this a "Christian" site - or at least not only a
>Christian site. Yes, our Camino began as a Christian
>pilgrimage and to many it's still a Christian
>tradition, but to call this list only Christian is to
>do it a disservice, I believe.
>What universality we're seeing now in the Camino's
>modern rebirth! People from all corners of the earth
>and of every persuasion are walking and riding the Way
>- and seeking to keep it alive as we're doing.
>Last New Year's I burned my Japanese luck talismans
>for 2002. I'm Christian but open to many shades of
>belief. They're little good-luck charms made of
>cardboard and special cloth, of Buddhist inspiration,
>that you can get at any shrine here in Japan. People
>carry them all year in their cars, purses, etc. I had
>two - one for general good luck and one for safety in
>travel - tied to my backpack all that year.
>I didn't know to burn them at the beginning of the
>following year until I was advised to do so by a
>Japanese pilgrim I met in Los Arcos during my '02
>Happy holidays,
>Ana from Japan
>Do you Yahoo!?
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