American Denial Nonsense

Ana Young ayoung2001aYAHOO.COM
Wed Dec 24 20:14:09 PST 2003

--- Howard Mendes <HMe347aAOL.COM> wrote:

have never had any reason to conceal where I
> come from and find the term "American" universally
> understood and accepted.

I'm afraid that my original comment is totally
misunderstood here. When I said that I avoid saying
I'm "from America," I never say that I conceal where
I'm from. I say I'm from the United States. That's as
clear as can be. There's never any attempt to deny.
The subject was about pedantics or the terms we use.

I do hear "American" referring to us sometimes as a
nationality. But I still avoid saying I'm "from
America." In Europe that term referring to the place
sometimes doesn't go over so well - quite
understandable considering that the continents stretch
from the Yukon to Argentina.

I do sometimes have the same experience as Bob when I
say I'm from California ... which I sometimes do as
people often ask me to be more specific.

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