Cup of Shirley???

Jilek, Glenn Glenn.JilekaFHWA.DOT.GOV
Tue Dec 16 07:57:42 PST 2003

        I think that what Sally was saying, and I agree with, is that there are many ways of perceiving the world around us if we allow ourselves to be open to them.  I once was told that "We know more than we understand."  What we understand as real is what we perceive with our 5 senses, but we know that there is more out there than that.  A trivial example of this are certain frequencies of light which I (and many others) am not sensitive to.  Because I can't sense these colors, I could say they don't exist...are not real, but those frequencies do indeed exist.  More profound are things like Rupert Sheldrake's hypothesis of "Morphic Resonance".  Sheldrake is no slouch, he holds degrees from Harvard and Cambridge, where he earned his PhD in biochemistry.  Or physicist David Bohm who said in his book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order,  "... my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, wh!
 ich is never static or complete but which is an unending process of movement and unfoldment...."   These gentlemen are no Shirleys.

Somewhere along the line, we lost our faith in the intuitive ways of perceiving reality, which I believe, are complimentary to our sensual and rational ways of perception.  It seems to me that physics and metaphysics are converging, and maybe sometime we will go full circle and return to the state of wholeness where we will be able to "understand all that we know".  Maybe that will be our return to the proverbial Garden...the time before the "Fall".


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