Stone stacking

Russ Irwin rirwinaUSAOR.NET
Tue Feb 26 22:58:34 PST 2002


>Any thoughts on why pilgrim's stack stones, and, for those of you who did,
>why did you do it?  just because others had?  to mark some special moment or

I've only have thoughts on this within the past couple of weeks. It may be in a different way, but
I'm not so sure. I think the origins of stacking stones might have started from some kind of
"rememberance". Well, here's my little story:

We have a lake in a county park near me. It's about a 5 mile walk around it, and I have been doing
this walk for close to 2 years now. Ironically, that is what started getting me in shape several
months before I ever heard of the Camino. A couple of weeks ago a woman was struck by a car and
killed one foggy morning while walking, or jogging,  the lake. Since then a sort of a "memorial"
type thing has been set up against a tree at the spot where she lost her life. People keep putting
flowers, ribbons and whatnot there. I've been feeling stronger and stronger feelings each time I
walk by that site. So, I bought some flowers today to place there the next time I walk.

I really don't know if the stacked stones came about by anything like this, but it just reminded me
so strongly of them.


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