Getting ready

Elisa McFarlane elisarobertaaROGERS.COM
Sun Aug 18 18:08:15 PDT 2002

I hosted 4 pilgrims in my home north of Toronto for world youth day and it turned out three of them had done the pilgimage the year before.  Several years ago, I read about the pilgrimage in Gourmet of all places and was fascinated.  I am a relatively old fart - turning 50 this year - and am thinking seriously of doing the pilgimage.  Job and home responsibilities don't allow for a full pilgrimage all at once.  I was considering a week a year over 3 or 4 years  I would like to understand the following from those who have done it already:

-  Physical requirements - I have lots of energy and am reasonably fit.   What is a reasonable expectation of kilometers/miles per day.
-  What would I miss in the way of enlightenment, spirituality, physical endurance by not attempting to complete it in one go?

My congratulations to all who have completed it.  Elisa
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