The crucifix at Melide (was no subject)

Jeffrey Crawley jt.crawleyaUKONLINE.CO.UK
Wed Apr 24 01:17:19 PDT 2002

Greetings Michael,

The church is just over the bridge on the right on the way into Mellide.

When I got there a lady from the Tourism Office was inside stamping
credenciales.  She told us that this crucifix was unique in that Jesus is
traditionally portrayed with both hands nailed to the cross.

This one, with Him hanging from one hand, is supposed to show Him in the
act of being taken down from the cross after His death and symbolises Him
nearing the end of His suffering/journey and us (the perigrinos) nearing
the end of our pilgramage.

I didn't take a photo because I didn't feel able to capture the full impact
on film but since then I have constantly wondered who the artist was and
how did he learn so much about pain and suffering?

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