New Listserve Member

Stanislaw Burdziej stachuaCC.UNI.TORUN.PL
Tue May 22 03:22:29 PDT 2001

Hello to Everybody!
I'm a student of sociology at the University of Nicoals Copernicus in
Torun, Poland. I've joined the list for two reasons:
1) in case to get some information before my pilgrimage planned for
2) to contact anyone interested in socio-anthropological aspects of the
Camino. I'm planning to write my thesis on this subject so your articles,
discussions relations and remarks would be of enormous help for me.

I hope it's possible to combine these two motivations - spiritual and
scientific - on the pilgrim's ways...

So far I've got one major question:
- what type of roads do you usually walk on the French route? are they
country or bitumen roads? Do you walk along heavy traffic routes (it looks
like that if you look at the map..)?

with regards,

Stanislaw Burdziej
Nicolas Copernicus University

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