introduction and request for help (specifically on traveling with refridgerated medication)

Cyd Crouse cydcrouseaYAHOO.COM
Sun May 13 20:31:48 PDT 2001

i am leaving for the el camino starting one month from today (june 13th).
i am really excited ... but have one area of huge concern.  i have
rhemutoid arthritis and require medication that must be kept between 36 and
46 degrees.  i have looked into a 'portable fridge' but haven't found one
under 20 lbs. (not an option).  so here are my questions.  i would REALLY
appreciate any help or advice.

1.  has anyone walked the el camino with medication requiring
refidgeration - and if so, how did they accomplish this
2.  what is the availability of refidgeration and ice at the refigios?
(one option is to carry a small cooler and fill it with ice every morning,
and then store the medicine in a fridge in the evenings)
3.  are you aware of any guides or services that (worst case scenario) i
could hire to talk my medication doses (needed every three days) to certain
stops and store in local fridges?
4.  any other ideas??

i have committed to myself to do the el camino - but i unfortunetly don't
have the option of doing it without my medication.  thanks.


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