Author of the Book of James

Preston Pittman preston_pittmanaHOTMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 5 08:49:00 PST 2001

Thank you very much for your clarification, Michael.  I hope no offence was
taken to my call for help to Linda, Maryjane, et al.  Your explanation is
welcomed and very erudite.  I just know them from past experiences.

I will have to search for it - but I know I've seen what I seem to recall as
a University web site that says that there are only two of James - and that
the "brother" of Jesus and John are one and the same.  That's the source of
my confusion I'm sure.  If I can find it again, I'll post it and ask anyone
who wishes, to deconstruct it for us.

thanks again, & pax

>From: Michael Wyatt <MWyatt01aEMAIL.MSN.COM>
>Reply-To: Road to Santiago Pilgrimage <>
>Subject: Re: Author of the Book of James
>Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 19:56:24 -0800
>Hello there -- I'll tell what I know, though it only repeats Robin's
>scholarly and quick summary.
>James the Greater is the brother of John and is not definitely known to be
>the author of anything.
>James the Lesser is another disciple of Jesus, known only by name; only
>legends about him, and he produced no texts.
>James the brother of Jesus is the author of the Book (or Epistle) of James
>in the New Testament; he was the leader of the CHristian community in
>Jerusalem and is prominent in the Book of Acts (where the martyrdom of
>the Greater--of Compostela--is mentioned).  This James is thought by those
>who hold to Mary's perpetual virginity to be Joseph's child by a previous
>marriage, which would make him Jesus' older step-brother.  Those who don't
>need Mary to be a perpetual virgin feel freer to assume he is Jesus'
>half-brother (same mother, different father--of course, if God is Jesus'
>The Protoevangelion or Apocryphal Gospel of James is by an unidentified
>James.  Nothing in that text makes clear who the author might be.  I had
>speculated that it is likely to be "James the brother of Jesus," since it
>treats of Jesus' family, but have since heard that a "critical text"
>suggests that it could be "our" James of Compostela.
>Though I am neither Linda, Kathy, Maryjane, Elyn, Rosina, nor the
>mysteriously named "Help," I trust my Ph.D. and seminary training for this;
>I hope you can, too.

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