Lozanos guidebook, heavy, spanish tourist office

Imelda Fagin imelda4aEARTHLINK.NET
Tue Jan 16 11:35:17 PST 2001

The Lozano Book that you get from the Spanish Tourist Office is an "old"
Version. The new version has a set of separate maps to carry with you and
leave the book home. That said, I didn't find the maps all that helpful
once I was on the road. There are NO definitive maps for the Camino. Many
people just followed the yellow arrows, which are everywhere. I did like
Alison Raju's book. Bad maps but a good detailed written description of the
route. You can get it in the states at Adventuroustravel.com.   Imelda

>Hello all and Russ,
>Thank you so much for the phone number for the Spanish Tourist Office in NY!
>As for the book being heavy, I think "heavy" is relative.  For me, the book
>would be too much in my pack.  I'd want something lighter, especially with
>the added weight of food, even if it's just an orange, a banana, a little
>cheese, and some bread.  For me, when I backpack/trek, I give an almost
>neurotic consideration to weight. :)  If the book works for you, and
>doesn't seen too heavy to take along, then great!

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