request for openness

Elyn Aviva TajminaaAOL.COM
Sat Dec 8 09:56:06 PST 2001

Blessings to all the peacemakers. And blessings on all who speak their minds,
whether I agree with them or not. What an amazing thing our listserv
pilgrimage is--a pilgrimage not only on the Camino but into our own hearts
and into our ways of being in the world. Some of us prefer to withdraw,
others prefer confrontation; and some of us prefer to to speak in a soft
voice, not much louder than a whisper.

We are a motley crew, are we not? And sometimes some of us would rather lag
behind or go ahead, or take a day off, or not. Good thing there are so many
of us and we can have so many different conversations, some of them
simultaneously! Whoever said, "sticks and stones can break my bones but words
can never hurt me" didn't know about listservs, where there is no face to
face interaction, only words appearing on an impersonal screen, words that
represent only a miniscule amount of the information that would be
transmitted in person.

Buen Camino

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