
Barry Evans barryevans9aYAHOO.COM
Mon Dec 3 12:48:17 PST 2001

--- Mac Quart <macsquartaYAHOO.COM> wrote:
> I am not trying to say that we shouldn't keep looking for the facts.  What I
> am
> trying to say is that those people on the list who are ignorantly saying that
> the information is wrong with no actual proof and with wrong comparison are
> just trying to bash someone's belief.  You seem to criticize those who
> believe
> in the large number but you have no actual proof.  Why say that the 500,000
> number is wrong just because you think it is?  I personally don't care one
> way
> or another how many people have walked it.

Hi Mac
I'm one of your ignorant ones. It sounds as if we all are, pending someone
coming up with some verifiable numbers. I don't think we need get too worked up
about this, I don't think anyone's bashing you or your beliefs!
Until now, I had been finding this a fascinating thread (now it feels a bit
overemotional), having heard the half to one million numbers many times, and
trying to make that fit with my own experience of the camino, reasoning about
like this, as you say, without proof:

Say the smaller number, half a million, and say 80% walked during the best
three months, assuming they were evenly staggered (!), that's over 5000 a day,
every day, (12 a minute, every minute of an 8-hour day!) passing through
Hospital, tripping over each other up the hill to El Cebreiro, Arca...are you
honestly saying you can vizualize this?
I can't.

Barry Evans    (707) 476 8317
217 Second Street, Eureka, CA 95501
Our camino photos: http://us.geocities.com/barryevans9/camino

"We don't realize that thought is *creating* the world
we imagine we live in; we think that thought is merely
*describing* it objectively. (Joan Tollifson)

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