Lotto/Keno Software

uunet!!DanKeno uunet!!DanKeno
Fri Sep 8 22:28:47 PDT 1995

	The Lottery Specialist

	Lotto - Keno - Daily Numbers software for the world.........

              Inquiring: Does the state or Country you live in have a
Lotto/Keno magazine or news paper ? If yes, and your ordering, please send me
an issue and subtract 6% from the amount due on your order. If yes and your
not ordering could you send me the name and address of the magazine? It would
be greatly appreciated and I would like to Thank You in advance..Sincerely,
Dan Crispell
	Ultimate Lotto/Keno Disk :	Price $ 42.95 
		IBM & Compatible type computers....
	This program is good for any Lotto or Keno game using from 25 to 80 numbers.
It comes with an up to date database of numbers for all the Lotto games in
the 37 Lotto States, plus the Keno games in NY, MI, CO, WA, and PA. It also
has data for the 7/49 and 6/45 game in Canada and the 7/49 game in Portugal.
If your Lotto or Keno game is not on the disk it is very easily added to the

	This program gives you statistical printouts that help you pinpoint the
winning numbers. 

	1. Percent of time that each number is drawn.
	2. Number of times drawn.
	3. Last time drawn and the longest a number has went without being drawn.
	4. Tells you whether a number is Hot, Due, or has a High Probability of
                   being drawn.
	5. Vertical bar Graph displayed on the screen.
	6. Best Pairs of Numbers plus a Front & Back Digits Chart.
	7. Plus the numbers that are drawn with each specific number most often. 
	8. It even comes with 50 built in wheeling systems, that let you substitute
                  in your selected numbers, prints combinations, and checks
                  for winning tickets. If you have a favorite wheeling system
it can be
                  entered and used with this program.
	9. The program even selects numbers for you to play.
CASINO KENO PLAYERS: Take your Lap Top Computer to the Casino ( if your
Casino allows it ) along with the Ultimate Lotto/Keno software. Enter the
numbers as there drawn, run the statistical reports, display them on the
screen. Then select your numbers for play.

The data mentioned above as well as some that wasn't mentioned can be see as
CUMULATIVE or ROTATIONAL. Most everyone know what Cumulative means but not
rotational. At the touch of ( 3 ) keys you can transform your data into
Rotational Statistics. Then you could for instance look at all the numbers
that are drawn on Mondays, Saturdays, every other Wednesday, etc. You would
be greatly surprised to find that certain numbers are in fact drawn more
often on specific days.


	NUMGEN	Wheeling System Designer  $49.95
	        This program designs Numerical Wheeling Systems for you.

	1. This program designs the wheeling system that you ask for. You might
                  want to wheel 18 numbers for 3 out of 5 - 15 numbers for 4
out of 6 - or 30
                  numbers for 8 out of 10. The possibilities are practically
	2. It Easily Substitutes your selected numbers into your new system. 
	3. Then lets you printout the Combinations. Or you can just design a system
                  for someone and print it out with lines over top of the
                  systems numbers. Making it easy for them to substitute in
their numbers
                  without the aid of a computer.             
	4. After the drawing Check for Winning Tickets.
	5. It will let you add your Favorite Wheeling System if you have one.
	6. It comes with a Full Wheel Generator, that will make 4 out of 4 5 out of
                  5 6 out of 6 10 out of 10 wheeling systems for example.

	A tool for the serious Lotto or Keno players. Wheeling systems let you play
more numbers for less money and still give you the chance of hitting the
jackpot. Also if you pool your money with a group of co-workers or relatives,
you should use wheeling systems.


	This program is a database for the 3-digit and 4-digit daily numbers games.
It gives you many statistical printouts, to help you pinpoint the winning
numbers for play.

	1. The Frequency that each specific number is drawn from each tube.
	2. The Top Boxed numbers and number of times drawn.
	3. The Top Straight numbers and number of times drawn.
	4. The Top Front, Middle, and Back Pairs.
	5. The Top Front and Back Trios.
	6. The Top 10-30 Computer selected numbers to play. 
	7. The number of times a specific number has been drawn, when it was last
                  drawn, and the longest it has gone without being drawn.


HANDICAPPING the FLATS & TROTTERS                                  $39.95

Using a computer my software will help you pick winning horses. You will be
using data from the Daily Racing Form for the Flats and data from the Sports
Eye for the trots.

It will ask you for speed ratings, distance of the race, times of the race,
finish positions, weight carried in todays race, track conditions, class of
the race, as well as the amount for the purse. After all the data has been
entered you will be given a rating for each horse.

If your playing the Flats you will play the highest rated horses. This
program has actually picked triples, exactas, Pick3 and Pick4 races in the
correct order,Whenever you play make sure that you back your horse up just in
case he should come in second. 

It comes with a system that you can take to the track with you. All you need
is the news paper, a pencil, and your calculator. Start Winning your fair
share of races today.


Check off the type of disk desired and products :
	3.5DD____ 3.5 HD ____	5.25DD ____ 5.25HD_____

	Ultimate Lotto/keno Disk :   $49..95 _______	Order any two disks and
	Numgen Systems Designer:$49.95 _______	the 3rd one is ( FREE ).
	Daily Numbers Disk            :$42.95 _______
              Handicapping Horses	$39.95 _______

		Sub Total 	:$_____________
		Sales Tax	:$_____________
		Total Due	:$_____________

	You can order by Voice or Fax by calling  (607) 779-8946 between 7am and
10pm daily. Or Call between 1pm and 5pm to talk to someone. Make sure your
order has your Name, Address, Phone number, and if ordering with a credit
card, the card number along with the cards expiration date. If you want to
just send your order by mail. Master Charge, Visa , Money Orders, or Checks
are accepted. Make all checks/ Money Orders Payable to The Lottery
Specialist. You could send the order to me by E-Mail address 

		    	      66 BELDEN ST.
		      BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK 13903
		       Telephone (607)779-UWIN

	My name is Dan Crispell and I own The Lottery Specialist, which has been in
business for over eight years. I am a columnist for the Lottery New$
published in Mamaroneck, NY; and distributed throughout NY, NJ, MA, and CT;
plus subscriptions just about every where. Plus I am a columnist for a
sports/lotto paper published in Portugal, named Jornal 1X2. My selections
each week in these papers are made using the software named above. So, far
this year my selections were good for many winning jackpots, in NY, NJ, MA,
NJ, MI, CT and GA to name a few. If you totaled up what all my winning
selections were worth so far this year alone, it would easily surpass the
$25,000,000 million dollar mark.	

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