[Granville-Hough] 19 Nov 2009 - Grandma Richardson's Remedy for Greed

Trustees for Granville W. Hough gwhough-trust at oakapple.net
Sun Nov 19 05:52:44 PST 2017

Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 08:27:45 -0800
From: Granville W Hough <gwhough at oakapple.net>
Subject: Grandma Richardson's Remedy for Greed - 19 Nov 2009

Grandma RichardsonÆs Remedy for Greed

When the younger Richardson children were in their early teens, Coley 
was the only son left at home. The girls were Annie, Rosabell, and 
granddaughter Roma Ree. Grandma Mary Richardson would sometimes prepare 
a real treat, egg custard, in something like a ten inch pan, expecting 
it to serve the whole family.
Now Coley had a voracious appetite for custard pie, and he hurried 
through the main meal so he could get to the pie, once, twice, or three 
times. Someone got left out, generally one of the girls, and they would 
complain: ôI got no pie, Greedy Guts Coley ate my piece. It isnÆt fair.ö 
Grandma eventually paid attention and decided what to do.
One Sunday she cooked three custard pies and called Coley in first to 
eat. She said in her sweetest voice: ôIÆve noticed you really like egg 
custard. IÆve fixed a special one for you. You donÆt even have to eat 
corn bread and peas. You can just have this custard pie.ö Coley could 
not believe his good fortune and soon gobbled up the whole pie. Then 
Grandma brought in the second pie and said, ôNow you must have desert. 
Here it is! I want you to eat it all.ö Coley knew he had to do his best 
for he feared getting on the wrong side of Grandma more than anything 
else. So he slowly and manfully ate the second pie . Then Grandma 
brought in the third pie, and the sight of it sent Coley running to the 
back yard where he regurgitated huge amounts of custard pie.
When Coley was able to come back in, he said something like: ôMa, I just 
canÆt eat any more pie.ö And Grandma said: ôThat is what you say after 
you have your first piece. If you forget, we will have another pie 
treatment.ö I am sure Coley, for the rest of his life, had custard pie, 
in moderation, never forgetting GrandmaÆs pie treatment.
Of course, these events were before I was born, but I have heard them 
related many times, with gales of laughter, by the girls/aunts who were 
present. Grandson Granville.

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