[Granville-Hough] 5 Aug 2009 - Musical Terms

Trustees for Granville W. Hough gwhough-trust at oakapple.net
Sat Aug 5 06:24:09 PDT 2017

Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 07:35:19 -0700
From: Granville W Hough <gwhough at oakapple.net>
Subject: Musical terms (27 Aug 2004) - 5 Aug 2009

I ran across the brass rendition of "Sheep may safely graze," as part of
a cantata, by Bach, and the "Canon" by Pacobel (Aug 2004).
     I believe that, if my dictionary is correct, both are parts of a
mass, that is the generic cantata and the generic canon.  Are there any
anecdotes about Bach or Pacobel which would relate to these pieces?
     I plan to use them next week in Bible Study.  What I will talk
about, I don't know yet.  (I might as well talk about religious music,
with examples from our collection).  Today I did well with the languages
of the bible.  I did use Bach's Cantata 29, by Christopher Parkinson, "
I Thank Thee, I Thank Thee."
         Dorothy, if you have any anecdotes about any particular song or
writer of songs or singer, I would find the music and use the anecdote.
Even the Dixie Chicks, who figuratively, nailed the Bush Administration 
to the ground with tent pegs.

---- next day:

David Hough wrote:
> As Bonny probably told you at the time, a cantata is just a sung religious
> choral work in a particular form, that could be used in a worship service
> but need not be, and a canon is just a particular form of instrumental
> work, that could be used in worship or not.
> How is your sniffles and cough?    I hope they have subsided to a tolerable
> level by now.     Usually after a cold, I get a cough that lasts for a
> month.

GWH: I got my coumadin level checked today and it was dangerously high, probably related to the blood transfusion.  So I go off warfarin until Friday, then go back for another check.
    I finished the cough medicine, then found a variety of Robotussin 
with the same formula (and bad taste).  The runny nose went away and the 
constant cough.  The less frequent cough brings up all kinds of gunk, so 
I resumed with Robotussin this morning.  I have been sleeping a lot.
    The thumb has gradually changed color back to normal, but it is 
still swollen and sensitive.  The elbow is just as annoying as ever, 
though the support seems to help.
    As I explained to my barber, God sends along all these terminal 
ailments and tries them out until he finds the one which exactly fits.  
So I am in His fitting room, with shelves and shelves of ailments 
waiting to be tried.  Love to all, Grampa.

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