[Gocamino] Voie de Plantagents - France

Richard Ferguson richard at fergusonsculpture.com
Mon Jul 15 12:10:51 PDT 2013

I am staying in the town of Brissac-Quince France, in the Anjou region SW
of Paris.  I was surprised to find that there was a pilgrimage route that
went right in front of the house that I was staying in!  I had no idea.

Apparently this is La Voie de Plantagents, and links Mt. St. Michelle with
Santiago de Compostelle.  The closest major town is Angers, and the trail
goes through there.

I am unclear on the feasibility of this trail, in terms of places to stay
and eat.  Certainly there are places to stay and eat in Brissac and Angers,
but perhaps not in the countryside, which is mostly used for growing
grapes.  I have not seen any obvious pilgrims.

In addition to the scallop shell, there were also markings, in the opposite
direction, for the Chemin a St. Michelle.  I also saw other colored marks
that probably correspond to other trails.  I followed it backwards for a
few miles, and may be able to walk more of it before I leave.

I suppose that there are many trails to Santiago in France that I am not
familiar with, but did not know that I would end up living on one for a few


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