[Gocamino] Camino Book by an Australian

M Brandl marmarbrandl at iprimus.com.au
Tue Nov 13 12:59:02 PST 2012

I have long lurked on this list, and longed of course to walk the Camino, which I probably will not do now that age is overtaking me. However, I am always interested in the experiences of those who have done the journey.

I noted with interest Mike Greenwood's recent posts and his news about a book. Then during the week a local library here in Sydney announced a talk by Jonathan Drane, a man who had made the journey in 2006 with his wife and three children. They used the northern approach from Pamplona to Santiago in the autumn. 

Many of the members of this list no doubt know of Jon's book, "The Way of a Thousand Arrows". I tried without success to search the archives so I would not be repeating history by telling you about this, but could not find where they are, if they exist, so I may be bringing coals to Newcastle here with my news about that book, published in 2007? the same year apparently that two other books on the Camino were published by Australians.

Anyway, here is the web-site of the writer of this inspiring looking book:
<www.jondrane.net> and I notice there are e-books too on that site, written by one of his daughters and also one he co-authored with his wife. 

I hope many more list members make the journey and write about it, for it is a very special experience that many of us can have only through the words of those generous enough to write about it in detail.

Maria Brandl

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