[Gocamino] Notes Pamplon-Roncesvalles-SJPdP

John Hussey highwayfl at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 29 09:16:12 PDT 2012

You can get a world of info from the two Camino Forums. If you have not discovered them, they are:



Both equally good in my estimation and on them you can get up to date info on about every topic imaginable. Do a search and you will find that whatever question you had, others have already asked and the answer is just languishing there waiting for you to find it.

I hope that helps.

Here is an excerpt from my notes from that trip:

>From Pamplona Central
Bus Stationthere is only one bus to Roncesvalles and/or SJPP per day (Stops at
Roncesvalles in Sep), Mon-Fri at 1800, Sat at 1600; - the same bus also stops
at Roncesvalles. Monday to Friday there are buses to Roncesvalles at 10h00 and
again at 18h00. Saturday there are busses to Roncesvalles at 10h00 and 16h00

John Hussey

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