[Gocamino] Pilgrim Numbers continue to rise

Tim tim at errecaldia.com
Sat Oct 1 23:45:12 PDT 2011

     For some reason or an other I have many antipodean guests and would 
agree with Rebekah that economics is a big influence with them and their 
current travel options, they also have a big base of 'hikers' who are 
used to walking long distances in the 'bush'.
     As for the Brits, there is certainly a lack of religious influence, 
hiking is not such a big scene as a percentage of the population and 
Brits in general are rather 'semi detached' in their view of Europe.
I wish you all 'une bonne journée.

On 01/10/11 23:34, Rebekah Scott wrote:
> I am interested in the artists vs. priests&  nuns question, as I spent a good bit of time lately with all the above. I think "artist" is a much bigger word than "priest" or "nun." You can be an artist whilst being a whole lot of other professions, even a priest or a nun.
> There are a lot fewer priests and nuns in the world than artists, I´d venture to say. A good percentage of them are constrained to remain in their parishes and convents, they don´t have the freedom to make pilgrimages like an artist might. And the majority of priests and nuns I see are getting up in age, and are perhaps less able physically to walk long distances.
> I think Kerkeling´s book is waning in influence where German pilgs are concerned; none of them seems to know just why they are walking. But a couple of the antipodeans told me their currency is now stronger against the Euro than it has ever been, and going now is much more affordable than before. 
> Rebekah Scott
> www.moratinoslife.blogspot.com
> "In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."     -- Albert Camus
> ________________________________
> From: Richard Ferguson<richard at fergusonsculpture.com>
> To: Johnnie Walker<johnniewalker-santiago at hotmail.com>; †GoCamino OakApple<GOCAMINO at oakapple.net>
> Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2011 8:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [Gocamino] Pilgrim Numbers continue to rise
> Most of the countries at the top of the list are nearby and at least nominally Catholic.  If I had to guess on the UK, I would think that it is not and has not been a Catholic country.   German popularity can be explained by the popular book by the comedian Kerkeling. 
> Most artists work with their hands and bodies, perhaps more than their head.   As an artist myself, the idea of walking is a form of doing, and is a lot more appealing than meditating or going on a retreat.   Also, artists tend to be spiritual people, more spiritual than religious, so the promise of a spiritual experience sounds appealing.   And there is no shortage of books discussing and promoting the Camino as a spiritual experience.
> Going on pilgrimage is kind of a busman's holiday for professional religious, so I am not too surprised about the lack of religious on pilgrimage.   However, I do know of a local priest who plans to take a group on Camino.
> Richard
> On Oct 1, 2011, at 11:48 AM, Johnnie Walker wrote:
>> Hola
>> The total numberof pilgrims recieved in the Pilgrims Office during September is: 26,008
>> That makes the total to date: 161,925
>> I've posted the full analysis here:
>> www.johnniewalker-santiago.blogspot.com
>> Have a look at the numbers. I'm wrestling with a couple of questions you might like to consider: Why do you think more artists than nuns and priests put together walk the Camino?
>> In terms of travel distances why is the UK so apparently under represented?
>> There is clearly a surge in pilgrims from the antipodes - why so?
>> Best wishes
>> John
>> www.johnniewalker-santiago.blogspot.com
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> Sculptures in copper and other metals
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