[Gocamino] Back from Santiago

Rosina blaroli at aol.com
Sun Jan 10 07:05:12 PST 2010

Hello you all,
I've just returned from the opening of the Holy Door, to catch my breath in the frigorific temperatures of New York City.
There've been a slew of major changes in pilgrimage-related activities and administration ,and I will report on them a little later.
Meanwhile, I've sent to Grant (and Kat and Dave) a copy of the official 2010  (MMX) Holy Year Camino poster. Perhaps Grant or Dave  will put it in this medium for all to see.  I like the poster, its art, and its symbolism. and when I gave a copy to the Galicians that have owned, for thirty years, a restaurant across the street from where I live  (El Charro Espanhol, 4 Charles Street, Greenwich Village, New York) they became emotional and immediately had it framed. ... But of course, it is their homeland.
Anyway, I have a few copies left and if someone would like one (first come, first served), I'll send it.  Just mail me your postal address. If I don't have enough right now I am sure that I can get more later.

I've also sent Grant the print of the pilgrims data for 2006-2009 which is overwhelming in detail.  He'll know what to do with it.

At the Dec. 22 meeting of the Archconfraternity another member of this list was admitted.  She will need to go to Santiago to be inducted and receive the Santiago medal  (I highly recommend Don Genaro as a confessor for the accompanying Mass and communion).

Speaking of confession, there are now confessions in eleven languages from 8:00 to 13:00 and from 16:30 to 21:00 every day, and there is an innovative and surprising change:  there is a communal (!) confession Monday to Saturday at 11:00.
I went to one and was bowled over. It reminded me somewhat of the spirit of AA meetings.
-No, I've never belonged to AA, but have gone to a couple of their meetings accompanying friends, and admire what AA does immensely; more so when they won't accept  financial contributions from anyone. They want their efforts to be theirs and all theirs: one person in need helping unconditionally, and at all times, another person in need.  A true Confraternity in every sense of the word. God bless them-
At any rate, the Celebracion Comunitaria Confessional (Communal Confessional Celebration), is meant, I think, to encourage those of us who resist going into the details of things that we may have done that shame us. It does appear that the communal celebration has the net effect of opening the door a little, and encouraging us to go one-on-one. (I went from it to the line for the private ones).
The so-called "indulgencies" (state of grace obtained by inner forgiveness) bestowed by crossing the Holy door  do require confession, and communion and attendance to Mass.

There is so very much going on! and so much more to come!

'Til later,




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