[Gocamino] [Santiagobis] RE: - Ultreya rental cell phones

Lynne Gilberg lgedit at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 5 08:47:44 PDT 2010

With the exception of some of the more technical advice about how to get
your cell up and running in Europe (because I don't know what the heck he is
talking about), I have to agree with Grant AT LEAST 1000 PERCENT!!!!

This has got to be the best statement of the month:
Please wear sandals and a hair shirt, sleep on straw, and die before you get
home. You will be dead center of the Middle Ages bell curve. Voila!
Everyone's happy.

One more note about the phones: I use Verizon, but have yet to upgrade to
the Android. Therefore, I do not have international capability. However, on
my two French caminos from Le Puy to SJPP, I found that if I calculated
ahead by a few days my current host/hostess or newly-made French friends
would gladly phone ahead for me to reserve my next beds. I'm not saying
everyone should rely on this method--it would amount to innkeeper abuse--but
it's a possibility, especially if you are foreign, attempt a few words in
French, and are old and cute!

As far as having a cell for emergencies, you would probably have to be on a
hilltop to get reception as France is much more difficult terrain than
Spain. If I were fearful, I would be sure that each innkeeper knew I was
elderly so that if I did NOT show up at a reasonable hour, they could call
for help.

One final note: pilgrims watch out for each other. I took a long time one
day and when I arrived at the gite late, three French walkers were nervously
looking out for me! You may think you are alone, but really, you are not.
lgedit at sbcglobal.net

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